Sneh Children Hospital

Formula Feeding: All You Need to Know

best pediatrician in Ahmedabad

Whether you are going to switch from breast milk to formula feed or you want to give formula feed as a supplement, you might have a lot of questions. Such as which brand is better? Are all brands providing the same content? Formula milk is better or soya-based milk is better? Here is all about formula feeding you should know.

The formula is basically a special dried milk powder that is mixed with cooled boiled water to feed the baby as a substitute of breast milk. It mainly contains proteins extracted from cow’s milk and fat that is extracted from vegetable oil. It contains enough nutrients to grow babies till their first 6 months. 

How does formula differ from breast milk?

The major difference between these two is, breast milk contains antibodies that help babies to protect against illnesses. The nutrition in Breast milk is changed based on the growth of the baby while nutrition remains the same in the formulas. Breast milk contains less protein than formula which prevents babies to be overweight as they get older. 

Why should I give formula feeding to my baby?

Some women are unable to produce enough milk that their baby’s required. While some women have a certain health condition and for that, they take regular medicine. So they are not allowed to breastfeed their baby. Some working women are not always with their babies.

Can formula feed cause adverse effects on babies? 

Generally, protein in cow’s milk can cause an allergic effect in some babies. These babies are instructed to take the hydrolyzed formula as an alternative as cow’s milk protein contains has been broken down into smaller particles. There are other ranges of formulas also if these are not suits. You can consult the best pediatrician in Ahmedabad to get a prescription for it.  

Main Types of Formula Feedings:

Formula milk is strictly met nutrition and safety standards and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA). There are three types of formula feeding available:

Cow Milk Protein-Based Formulas: Most of the formulas are formulated from cow milk which is an alternative to breast milk. As it is made from cow’s milk, it contains the right nutrients and is easy to digest. Some babies stay well in cow’s milk. However, it does not suit some babies so they need other types of formula. 

Soy-Based Formulas: If you want formulas that do not contain animal protein then you can go with soy-based formulas. It is also the best alternative for babies who are allergic to cow’s milk formula or to lactose. However, it is also possible that babies might be allergic to soya-based formulas also. 

Protein Hydrolysate Formulas (Hypoallergenic Formulas): These types of formulas contain smaller size proteins than that are those in cow’s milk and soy-based formulas. Protein hydrolysate formulas is an option for babies who might be allergic to soya-based formulas and cow’s milk formula and have a protein allergy.  

How can I know how much quantity formula my baby needs?

Every baby’s hunger need is different. So if you don’t know how much formula feed you should give to your baby as per current age then visit the best pediatric hospital in Ahmedabad. They can give you proper guidance as per your baby’s age and weight. 

Dr. Khanjan Shah

Dr. Khanjan Shah

Dr. Khanjan Shah, M.D. in Pediatrics with a Fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care, is the author of this article. He ensures that all information provided from Sneh Children Hospital is backed by thorough research conducted by himself and other specialists, guaranteeing authenticity and reliability.