Mumps is a contagious viral illness that affects the salivary glands near the ears, known as parotid glands, making it highly contagious. It is most commonly seen in children, which is why giving the mumps vaccine is important. The main symptoms of mumps include fatigue, fever, headaches, loss of appetite, and pain while chewing or talking.
Mumps is a contagious infection caused by a virus that can lead to serious complications. Complications are more likely in people who are not vaccinated. When the virus reaches other tissues, below complications can happen:
Swollen Testicles: Swollen Testicles also known as orchitis is a very common complication that is characterized by severe pain and decreased size of the affected testicle. It occurs when one or both testicles become swollen and painful. If it is left untreated then it can cause long-term complications that include testicular atrophy.
Encephalitis: Encephalitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs when the brain becomes inflamed. This inflammation can damage brain tissue & lead to potential changes in consciousness and physical control.
Meningitis: Meningitis is a medical condition that affects the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms may include fever, headache, and neck stiffness. But it usually does not cause any long-term complications.
Pancreatitis: Pancreatitis is a condition caused by inflammation of the pancreas that may result from infection with the mump virus. Symptoms associated with pancreatitis include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, tenderness in the area of the pancreas, and sometimes fever.
How do I prevent mumps?
In order to prevent your child from mumps, the most important step is to get your child vaccinated with the MMR Vaccine. The MMR vaccine consists of a combination of rubella, measles, and mumps that provide protection against mumps. The vaccine is usually given in two doses; the first between 12-15 months of age and the second dose between 4-6 years old. Other steps to prevent the spread of mumps include keeping your child away from infected children, disinfecting your home regularly, disinfecting toys if impossible, and educating children to cover their mouths when coughing and sneezing.
When to visit the doctor?
It is important to see the best pediatrician in Ahmedabad if your child has been exhibiting a sign of mumps which includes swelling of the testicles, fever, difficulty in eating, and loss of appetite. If your child has mump signs such as a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, facing difficulty in eating and drinking & swelling of the testicles, then you should consult a child specialist in Ahmedabad without any delay. Meanwhile, take rest as much as possible, apply cold or warm compresses over swollen salivary glands, and use over-the-counter pain relievers that can help relieve pain.
The important thing you need to remember:
Mumps spreads very easily but can be easily prevented through vaccination. But it is advisable to keep your child indoors, even with minimal symptoms as mumps spreads rapidly. You can treat it at your home, but do not treat it without the guidance of a doctor. Taking the advice of a pediatrician in Ahmedabad and following basic precautions can help prevent contagion.